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Know what I mean:--
1. 吃了辣的東西,感覺就要被辣死了,就往嘴裏放上少許鹽,含一下再吐掉,漱下口,就不辣了。
Fell too hot when you ate hot pepper? Rinse with salt water will ease burn sensation.
2. 若有小面積皮膚損傷或者燒傷、燙傷,抹上少許牙膏,可立即止血止痛。
Tooth paste will ease burn or wound cut.
3. 經常裝茶的杯子裏留下難看的茶漬,用牙膏洗之,非常乾淨。
Tooth paste will also clean tea stain in tea cup.
4. 仰頭點眼藥水時微微張嘴,這樣眼睛就不會亂眨了。
Open mouth for eye drops, eye will not blink.
5. 嘴裏有潰瘍,就用維生素C 貼在潰瘍處,等它溶化後潰瘍基本就好了,嚴重的話補充維他命B2。
Wound inside mouth, Vitamin C will help when melt and apply to the sore, add vitamin B2 if sore is more severe.
6. 眼睛進了小灰塵,閉上眼睛用力咳嗽幾下,灰塵就會自己出來。
Close eye to blow and cough will get rid of the dust of the eye.
7. 剛被蚊咬,塗上肥皂就不會癢了
Soap will ease itchiness on mosquito bite.
8. 喉朧、牙齦發炎,在晚上把西瓜切成小塊,沾著鹽吃,記得一定要是晚上,當時症狀就會減輕,第二天就好了。
Sore gum and throat infection? Eat small slice of watermelon before bed time.
9. 打嗝時就喝點醋,立桿見影。
Drink vinegar when having hic cup will help.
10. 吃了有異味的東西,如大蒜、臭豆腐,吃幾顆花生米就好了。
Peanuts help get rid of the garlic smell.
11. 治療乾咳,晚上睡覺前用純芝麻油煎雞蛋,油多放些,什麼調味料都不要放,趁熱吃過就去睡覺,連吃幾天效果很明顯。
Fry egg with sesame oil eat before bedtime will fix dry cough, need to eat a few days.
12. 栗子皮難剝,先把外殼剝掉,再把它放進微波爐轉一下,拿出後趁熱一搓,皮就掉了。
Remove outer shell of chestnut, zap a little under microwave will remove inner skin easier.
13. 插花時,在水裏滴上一滴洗潔精,可以維持好多天。
One drop of detergent will keep cut flower live longer on the table.
14. 把核桃放進鍋裏蒸十分鐘,取出放在涼水裏再砸開,就能取出完整的桃核仁了。
Steam walnut for 10 minutes and drop it in cold water, then open shell, Walnut will come out whole.
15. 把蝦仁放進碗裏,加一點精鹽、食用鹼粉,用手抓搓一會兒後用清水浸泡,然後再用清水沖洗,即能使炒出的蝦仁透明如水晶,爽嫩可口。
Spink salt on shrimp, baking soda(Alkali powder), rub a while then rinse with cold clean water, shrimp will come out crisp and clear when fry.
16. 將泡過茶的茶葉,浸入水中數天後,澆在植物根部,可促進植物生長。
Used tea leaves soak for a few days. Sprinkle on plant root will promote plant growth.
17. 只要在珠寶盒中放上一節小小的粉筆,即可讓首飾常保光澤。
Small piece of chalk in jewelry box will keep jewelry shrine.
18. 不管是鞋子的哪個地方磨到了你的腳,你就在鞋子磨腳的地方塗一點點白酒,保證就不磨腳了。
Tiny bit of white wine on the rub bed side of the feet affected side of the shoe,
the shoe will not hut your foot again.
19. 烹調蔬菜時,如果必須要焯,焯好菜的水最好盡量利用。如做水餃的菜,焯好的水可適量放在肉餡裡,這樣既保證營養,又使水餃餡味美。
The cooking water can reuse on making dumplings and make them juicy.
20. 夏天枕頭易受潮滋生黴菌,時常曝曬枕心有利健康。
Place pillow under hot sun in summer will fight off mold and bacteria.
21. 多吃薏米小米粥等潮濕健脾,可防暑濕。
Barley congee good to your health in summer.
22. 防失眠:睡前少聊天,忌飲濃茶,勿太用腦,可用熱水加醋泡腳。
Talk less, rest your head and not to think too much, put some vinegar into hot but tolerable water, soak your feet for a while will help you sleep better.
23. 吃過於肥膩的食物後飲茶,能刺激自律神經,促進脂肪代謝。
Hot tea will help when you have too much greasy food.
24. 早餐多吃番茄、檸檬酸等酸性蔬菜和生果,有益於養肝。
Breakfast eat tomato, lemon, vege and fruit will keep your liver healthy.
25. 葡萄含有睡眠輔助激素,常食有助睡眠。
Grape help you sleep better.
26. 番茄湯所含番茄紅素有抗前列腺癌和保護心肌功效,最適合於男子。
Tomato help prostate and heart for man.
27. 將白醋噴灑在菜板上放上半小時後再洗,不但殺菌,還能除味。
Vinegar will kill gems and get rid of smell on cutting board.
28. 酸奶能保護胃黏膜、延緩酒精吸收,並且含鈣豐富,對緩解酒後煩躁尤其有效。
Sour milk help ease drunk and Being agitated.
29. 補充水分應少喝果汁、可樂、雪碧、汽水等飲料,含有較多的糖精和電解質,喝多了會對腸胃產生不良刺激,影響消化和食慾。因此夏天應多喝白開水。
Drink water instead of soft drink is better for the digest system, especially in summer.