共享文章 Good Articles
  An evaluation of my life.
(Updated: 18/2/2019)

🔵 Sometimes I start doing an evaluation of my life.
🔵 In one of those I came across the story of the formula 1 Michael Shumacher.
🔵 When I studied his resume as an athlete I saw that he was:
🔵 Winner of the Grand Prix in 1991.
🔵 He was 7 (seven times) world champion of Formula 1.
🔵 Happiness was in his Being, but in one fateful day his story and his destiny completely changed due to a slight accident ....
🔵 Today, with just 44 kilos of weight struggling to "survive" since December 2013.
🔵 His wife begins to sell the goods to cover the expenses and thus be able to keep him alive in a room adapted in his house, where he lies like a vegetable.
🔵 Here comes a question:
🔵 Who is better than who?
🔵 Life can take directions never imagined.
🔵 It's amazing how everything can change in an instant.
🔵 No one is exempt from anything.
🔵 And in no circumstances are they of any use,
🔵 We are all the same.
🔵 Then why the pride?
🔵 To make the claim?
🔵 Why arrogance?

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