2010年半年未至,已有两位姓汪的老同学先后离我们而去。他们是泰南的汪亚南及槟城的汪来发。其他同学可要多多保重,我们还要相聚庆祝45,50,...周年纪念呢! Mid-2010 has not arrived but two of our classmates with the same surname Wang have already passed away this year. Take care for future gatherings!
Sim Jin Tang(沈仁东)
(20/6/2010 3:09 PM)
A cure for cough
Cut off the top part of the orange, put some salt into the orange, and put back the top part. Steam it 10 minutes and eat all the fresh including the juice at the bottom of the bowl. Taste not very nice but cures your prolonged cough in days.
Well Wisher
(17/5/2010 8:28 PM)
4 old photos
I have just sent Jin Tang 4 old photos to be uploaded onto our album entitled Old Photos_Chapter 2. Check them out!