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Career Experience Sharing Evening in UK - by Lee Phong Thuan
by Lee Phong Thuan (Posted: 7/11/2009 02:48 PM)

I thoroughly enjoyed the Career Experience Sharing Evening on Saturday 3 October, and I hope you did too. Adeline deserves our congratulations for pulling together such an interesting and fact full programme. Keat’s presentation on the importance of the ‘killer’ CV and interviewing technique is the kind of advice can only get from the Prestige Business School. Hearing his view and personal experiences on the merit of attending a MBA programme was an eye opener for me. I now very much regret not taking up an offer from London Business School 30 years ago. The section by Adeline on Work Permits and the Employment and Housing market statistics was factual and useful. I must also echo her view that it is time for those of us who are in a position to contribute to play an active role in supporting the three schools. We have benefited from the facilities provided by our senior alumni and members of Chinese community, and it is time for us to take up the baton and continue their good work. Shien’s talk on the Hedge Fund and his own career path has definitely attracted lots of attention. By successfully venturing into the financial world armed with a science degree and various scientific work experiences, Shien has proved right the maxim that academic qualification can be a passport or key to the future. I had not heard of the Graduate Training Scheme until Steven Goh brought it up on Saturday. His presentation on this topic should be of great benefit to the attending graduate students. The common theme of the evening’s presentation is that preparation and perseverance is the key to achieving employment. I am heartened by the eagerness of the presenters to share their experiences and to offer to help the fellow alumni. I was greatly moved by the sound of the Chung Ling School song at the start of the proceedings. It must have been more than 40 years since it was last sung in England. I was overcome with acute nostalgia for my days at Chung Ling by the chitter chatter in Hokkien and the teasing among the attending alumni during the evening. I was overwhelmed by the generosity of Ang when he brought boxes of Moon Cake to share with us. The occasion resembled a big family re-union; it’s what Chung Ling spirit is all about. Let us have more of this! During the introduction round, I was humbled by the academic and career achievements of our young alumni. There must be a dozen Master and Phd degree holders, as well as medical doctors and I am sure there will soon be more. A number of young alumni are already at the top tier of their respective professions. The old school must have done something right. I must also express my gratitude to Dato’ Seri Cheah Eu Keat, my dear friend and classmate and his then fellow committee for the foresight and contributions in founding Chung Ling High School Butterworth. We are now blessed with so many female alumni, who play an active role in the UK alumni movement and also brighten up our gathering. This occasion has reinforced my belief that the Chung Ling spirit is still very much alive. Long may it live! Lee Phong Thuan

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